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Unitools | Install in Expo | By GeekyAnts


  1. Installation - Install all the @unitools packages required.
  2. Configuration - Please configure the project correctly, refer this docs
  3. File Setup - Add Support for .expo-web.{js|ts|jsx|tsx} file extension.
  4. Aliases Setup - Add aliasing of @unitools/* packages to @unitools/*-expo and react-native to react-native-web.


Run the following commands to install all the packages supported under unitools.

Terminal window
npm install @unitools/image @unitools/link @unitools/router @unitools/tailwindcss-fonts @unitools/fonts @unitools/image-expo @unitools/link-expo @unitools/router-expo @unitools/metro-config

Install the required peer-dependencies.

Terminal window
npm install expo-image expo-router

Add aliasing

For @unitools/image, @unitools/link, and @unitools/router to work in Expo we need to alias it with @unitools/image-expo, @unitools/link-expo, and @unitools/router-expo respectively

module.exports = {
plugins: [
alias: {
"@unitools/link": "@unitools/link-expo",
"@unitools/image": "@unitools/image-expo",
"@unitools/router": "@unitools/router-expo",
"@unitools/fonts": "@unitools/fonts/expo",